Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!

                  Reese waking up on Christmas morning.

We love Christmas!  This year was especially wonderful since it was Reese's very first.  We enjoyed spending time with family at the Bowen Christmas party, the Neel Christmas party, at our house on Christmas eve, and then at Sarah's parents house on Christmas day.  

Lee and I woke up on Christmas morning around 7:30 and decided to exchange our presents before Reese woke up.  She woke up around 8:00, ate breakfast, and then we sat with her by the tree and began opening her gifts.  Reese wanted to play with every thing we opened... and the packaging it came in... which made for a long gift opening process.  Reese was pretty tired after opening presents so she went down for a nap and Lee and I went right into assembly mode, un-boxing and putting together all of the new toys so that when she woke up she could start playing right away.  

Reese sitting at her new desk from Aunt Lauren & Uncle Bill.
We went to Sarah's parents house around 11:30 for a great meal of eggs, bacon, biscuits, and coffee cake.  It was yummy!  Then we exchanged gifts with Mammy, The General, Sheppard, Kimberly, Nana & Big Daddy.  Reese's favorite gift of all was the rocking horse that Mammy and the General got for her.  She's still too young to get on it by herself but she loves for someone to hold her while she rocks and bounces away.  She especially likes when the horse neighs, makes sounds like it's galloping, and plays cowboy music.  If she can see the horse she points and fusses until you sit her on it.  

                    Reese with her great grandmother, Nana.
Later in the afternoon we went back home so Reese could take a good nap and Lee and I could clean up some of the Christmas demolition that had taken place earlier in the morning.  We went back over to Sarah's parents house (it's a good thing we live so close!) for a nice dinner of beef tenderloin, baked potatoes, pea salad and mac-n-cheese.  Yummy!  Lee helped set up the new Wii system that my mom got (Yes... my mom got a Wii for Christmas!) and we spent some time showing them how to use it.  Then after loading up the rocking horse, it was time for Reese to go to bed so we headed home... again.  

What a great Christmas... one to cherish forever.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday Time!!!

Reese is changing so much!  She is now saying "Mama", "Dada", "Uh-oh", "Ga-ga", and "Ba-ba".  She LOVES to play peekaboo, patty cake, and clappy hands.  She loves to have books read to her and turn the pages herself.  She can pull herself up to a standing position and will scoot or roll to get places, but she still refuses to crawl.  No teeth yet either... but I guess that's a good thing since she is still breast fed!  Reese has also developed a case of stranger anxiety.  She's more reluctant to go to people she doesn't know and often has a melt down when Mommy leaves her sight.  I wonder how long this will last?  

We have been very busy getting ready for Christmas.  Reese's 1st!!!  Reese helped decorate the Christmas tree with an ornament Lee made.   

I took Reese to see Mom-mom (her great grandmother) who was recently moved into an assisted care facility.  Mom-mom LOVED visiting with Reese.

We had fun at Adahlyn's 1st birthday party.  I can't believe she's already 1!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saint Nick's Day

We made sure to put Reese's shoes outside her room last night so Saint Nick would fill them with gifts.  We were lucky to see that Saint Nick brought Reese a present from her grandparents in Pennsylvania.

It's a Baby's 1st Christmas ornament!  Thanks Barron and PP!

1st Cold
Reese is getting over her very first cold.  I was hoping to prolong her getting sick by breast feeding, but the cold proved to be stronger than the milk.  Since she is congested we decided to get a humidifier to help her breath better.  As you can see she really enjoyed the purchase. 

                                              Peek A Boo!!  I See You!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Santa & The Pink Pig

Yesterday we went with Tess & Brett to take Reese & Adalyn to see Santa Clause and ride the Pink Pig at Lenox Square mall.  Both babies enjoyed looking at all the Christmas displays and were well behaved on Santa's lap.  

The Pink Pig has been an Atlanta tradition since 1953.  Sarah's parents remember riding on it at Christmas when they were kids.  Sarah never rode on it because they shut it down for a period of time when she was a kid.  The ride has changed a lot since the 50's, but it was still fun.  The whole ride Reese sat on the bench, kicking her dangling legs, taking in all the sites while the train took us through the Pink Pig wonderland.  

Everyone gets a sticker when you get off the ride.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent Reese's 1st Thanksgiving at Sarah's parents house where we had a wonderful meal with her parents, grandparents, brother Sheppard, and his fiance Kimberly.  Later in the afternoon we went to visit with Sarah's mom's side of the family where there were lots of aunts, uncles and cousins.

                                   Reese with Nana & Big Daddy

                                   Reese with Sheppard & Kimbo

                                   Reese with Mammy

                                   Reese with the General

                                    Reese & Great Grandmother Mom-Mom

                                   Reese & Cousin Cal

                                   Sarah made a Thanksgiving Trifle while Lee made mashed potatoes. Yum!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sarah's Birthday

A few days ago Sarah turned 26 years old.  She spent the morning shopping with her mom & Reese, then spent the rest of the day hanging out at home.  Lee picked up supper, flowers, wine and a cake to celebrate.  

The next day we went up to the farm where Reese rode Sarah's horse, Winston, for the 1st time.  Reese LOVED Winston.  She cackled and screeched while petting him, and Winston enjoyed all the attention.  I can't wait to start horseback riding lessons with her! 


Sunday, November 16, 2008

8 Months Old

Wow!!!  Where has time gone?  Reese has changed a lot recently and I know we are in for even more changes in the near future.  

Some of the more exciting developments:
  • At 7 1/2 months old she said "Mama"!  We were in Philadelphia at the time and at first it started out as a few flukes... but she quickly figured out what she was saying and says it ALL the time now.  This is such an awesome word to hear!
  • She has figured out how to go from sitting to a crawling position.  She hasn't started actually crawling yet, but I know it's just around the corner.  
  • When you play music with a beat she will 'dance' a long.  She basically just rocks her body back and forth and bounces up and down in time to the song.  This is really adorable to watch.  I have tried a few times to capture it on video, but haven't had any luck.  Hopefully soon!
  • She can pull herself up to standing from a semi-sitting position. 
  • She can stand while holding on to something for balance.  
  • No teeth yet, but over the past few days she has started drooling and chewing more than ever.     
Since the weather has turned colder we have enjoyed having fires at night.  We sit around with Georgia (the dog), and Dahlia (the cat) to wind down before Reese goes to bed.  Everyone loves being by the fire.  

Reese loves to play with the dog and cat.  Usually they walk in the opposite direction from her, but occasionally they will let her love on them until she inevitably pulls out a wad of hair or tries to bend a tail in a direction it isn't meant to go.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Philly Trip

We are back from our week and a half visit to Philadelphia to see Lee's friends and family. We flew on an airplane to get there... so we were nervous about how Reese would do... but she was excellent. She made many friends on the plane and we received multiple comments about how well she behaved.

Reese's 1st trip on an airplane

While in Philly, Reese got a new cousin. William Patrick was born November 3rd weighing in at 8lbs 15 oz. He is a cutie. Reese kept trying to pat his head, grab his arms, and touch his face. She thought he was a little doll.

We got to spend a lot of time with our 2 year old niece, Angelina, while her parents were in the hospital with the new baby. Angelina LOVED playing with Reese. She will be a great big sister.

Later in the week we took a drive down to Baltimore to see Lee's cousin and her husband. She delivered her little boy just 3 days after this picture was taken. Baby Corey weighed just 5 lbs 6 oz. and was 3 weeks early.

Lee's mom bought Reese and Angelina matching winter outfits... so of course we had to do a photo shoot!

Lee caught a stomach virus and got really sick for the 1st time in a long time. Lee was not the only one affected.... Angelina, Uncle Bill, and GG all got just as sick. Thank goodness the babies didn't catch it!

Other snapshots from the visit.............