Reese is 2 months old now! She's growing up so fast! I can't believe how quickly she has come into her own and started doing so many new things. She makes eye contact more often and I get the feeling she now knows who I am. She loves to smile, especially when I greet her in the mornings. She has noticed her hands and feet, and I occasionally catch her staring at them in amazement. She is able to hold her head up much better without support. She is grabbing and holding on to things....like the end of her dress which she likes to pull up to her chin, exposing her diaper. And my personal favorite is all the 'talking' she is doing. She makes all kinds of vocal sounds, anything from a high pitched 'Aaahhh' to a low pitched "mmmm-um" to a content 'Hoooo Hoooo' that mimics a morning dove. I can't wait to see what she will do next!
She is putting on weight nicely too.... she is now over 11 pounds! Eating is obviously one of her favorite things, but she also loves to be cuddled, listen to music, lay on her back and flail her arms and legs wildly, go for car rides, look at the wind blowing through the trees, and rock in the rocking chairs on the front porch.
She has started fighting going to sleep in the afternoons, when she seems to need it the most. But that is usually her only fussy time during the day. She is sleeping well at night and will usually be asleep by 9ish and wake up around 4 or 5 to eat, then go back to sleep, wake up around 7 to eat again, then sleep until 9 or 10am. Thank goodness those times of her screaming and crying all night seem to be over!