It's been so long since I've posted anything, I don't really know what to say. Reese is growing and changing every day. She still doesn't want to walk, so if anyone has suggestions on how to get your child to walk... let me know. She talks A LOT and is saying all kinds of things. Some of her new words are bird, hot, cold, tick tock, and eat. Here's some pictures from the past few weeks....

Reese loves eating spaghetti! And yes... it's organic.

Reese in her sailor outfit from Uncle Bob, Aunt Laura and cousin Mac

She loves to look out the window.

Lee and I got tired of cleaning the little floor potty so we bought a contraption that sits on the toilet seat to keep Reese from falling in. She loves to watch the toilet flush and is doing well at learning to use the potty. It's sooooooo nice not having to change dirty diapers!
Reese & Mammy at baby shower for Melissa (who will give Reese a boy cousin in July.)