We spent the last 4 days hiking and story telling along the national historic Overmountain Victoy Trail. Two weeks out of the year members of the OVTA reenact the march the Overmountain Men took from Abingdon, VA to Kings Mountain, SC to win the battle against major Patrick Ferguson and become the turning point in the Revolutionary War. Check out the website if you want to know more about the Overmountain Men. www.ovta.org

We got to experience some breathtaking views while hiking. The Blue Ridge Mountains are so beautiful. Lee and my dad both dressed the part for the hike; however, Reese and I stayed in civilian clothes.

We did a program at the Orchard at Alta Pass. This is always one of my favorite stops. We had a little down time so Lee, Reese and I picked a peck of apples out in the orchard. They are the best apples I have ever tasted! Lee wants to get an apple tree of the same variety for our yard. Hopefully we can find one! JonnaGold is the variety and it puts a Gala apple to shame.

Everyone loved having Reese on the hike. Here is Reese with a true mountain man.

Reese was a trooper the whole time. She did fine on the long drive up there, although we did have to make numerous stops to feed, change and play with her. She was much more fussy on the way home. She wanted to get out of her seat and play, but we just wanted to get home! We didn't have any problems with finding gas.... although there were plenty of stations that were completely out of gas.
Reese liked playing with Pappy's whistle and powder measure. She also got to see the guys fire their flintlocks. The loud gunfire didn't bother her a bit.
All 3 of us slept in the bed of Lee's truck. It was quite interesting, but we all got decent sleep. Reese slept the best out of all of us.

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